Coordinating 8,000 signs across 19 buildings and 110 floors is no easy feat – particularly at a university like UTS, where constant movement across a fragmented campus and the regular influx of new users is a fact of life.
UTS engaged BrandCulture to leverage our experience of wayfinding to implement their signage Masterplan, created by Frost* Design. We worked with UTS to embed live data feeds, screens, security cameras, help points and Wifi access inside bright yellow totems dotted across campus. By using NFCs and QR codes, we delivered a cost-effective solution, providing personal wayfinding via students’ own mobile phones. We also utilised software called PAM, and by creating a live wayfinding platform, UTS now has a database of signage that is always current. This makes it easy to identify signs that need to be updated or removed, improving the campus experience.